Saturday, August 25, 2007

Planet Earth and Politics

Today it was sweltering outside and I heard earlier that in Greece, fires have killed over 35 people due to the extreme heat with temps in excess of 100 degrees. Floods are happening in one place after another and the most recent hurricane, "Dean" is one of the largest on record.
All of this makes me think of a scripture that was drilled into me as a child from the book of Matthew in the Bible in regards to the last days, where disasters will happen in one place after another, and as the Bible says, then the end will come.

I have tried not to think of that scripture over the years, and quite honestly I tend to lean towards Buddhism, but I believe it doesn't matter as there are prophets and holy men (and women) throughout the world throughout history; but basically I try to live for today and enjoy what time I have on this planet as we are all here in only a blink of time anyway. But, my point is, I truly believe we are closer to the end of humankind as we know it, and it is no fault but humans.

I shutter at the damage that the present Administration has done to destroy not only our country as well as so many others, but has total disregard for the lives of all of civilization, and of course he cares less about all of the species that are becoming extinct.

But despite the way I feel about Mr. Bush and his administration, I blame the many stupid people who voted him into office, not just once but twice!!! I am proud to say, I did not!!
It will be interesting to see who the Americans put in next, and I also know that ultimately, it could mean the survival of our country or it's total downfall, as well as what will happen to the planet.

For God sake people, it is time to wake up, be responsible, don't run in fear to who you think will protect you and your possessions. Try opening your mind and think outside of the box and look to the greater good. Our forefathers fought and died for rights that in one generation, is willing to throw our constitution out the window. We as a nation are becoming horrible, no wonder people hate us around the world, when we care more about our designer clothing, expensive cars for each member of the family, and more concerned about Paris Hilton or Brittainy Spears than humans dying from starvation, or wars, or polar bears nearing extinction.

Wake up wake up!!!