Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Proud to be American

It has been a week since the 2008 election and Barack Obama won!
Amazing election and I am so very proud to be an American!!  It has been a while that I have been able to say that, and it is high time to finally elect someone that cares about the country and not just the money he puts in his pockets.  I really believe with my whole heart that Obama will be the Peoples President and that even if he is not able to fix this terrible mess Bush will be leaving this country in, at least I don't feel that he will do anything to hurt us.

Also it is high time to equal the playing field and it is over due for African Americans to finally be considered equal to white people (as they certainly are!).  I think that it will be refreshing to have a little color in the white house and the Obamas are certainly colorful, and not just for the color of their skin, they are vibrant and alive and a loving family! Hurray for the Obamas! Hurry for American!  We finally woke up and maybe we can gain respect from the world again.
Maybe we may even achieve peace!  Wouldn't that be something?!!!!

God bless you President Elect Obama!!  You will need all the help God can give you after the Bush administration.