Saturday, May 30, 2009

I was an ass!

This morning about 5:00 a.m., my telephone rang, so being my day off, I just ignored it, and of course Vito didn't move.  A few minutes later it rings again, then in another few minutes it rings again.  So I finally jump out of bed only making it to the phone by the time it stopped.  I did not recognize the number, but proceeded to call the number back.  In frustration and anger after being awaken that early on my only Saturday off in 3 weeks, I blurted out at the person, "What do you want?!"  He said, "What?"   I said, "You called me, what do you want?"  He said, "I assure you nobody here called you."  More aggravated than ever I hung up on the person.

After hanging up, I started to think that it sounded like my neighbor, who is a sweet person and I couldn't understand what happened.  I went back to bed and the phone proceeded to start ringing again.  1, 2, 3 times, so I got up, again ticked off and took the phone off the hook.  

Then my dog started to bark!!  God!!!!!!  I was fuming by now, so I made her stop and then I made my coffee.  As I am making the coffee she starts to bark again, and sure that she is going to wake the neighborhood, I really blew my top at her.  She accidently nicked my finger as she pretended to be aggressive, in reality scared, and boy that was the straw that broke the camels back.  So I yelled at her.

Poor dog, just wanted to bark.  And although I really wanted to sleep, in the grand scheme of it all, there was no reason to get so upset.  It was actually a beautiful morning and I was just over reacting.  How ridiculous!!