Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Another Day of Idiots in Politics

Desperation seems to be the way of the Republicans right now.
Seems to me they are more concerned with things going exactly as they want them rather than being concerned about our country and its people.  

The thing that really amazes me is how they get so upset when anyone states the truth, being that the country has practically been destroyed by the Bush administration.  Good Lord, the truth is the truth!  Take it on the chin and get on, try to do better, try to help correct this mess!!

But no, those Bible thumping, supposedly God fearing idiots who has no clue what is really taught in the Bible, intends to only do more damage, not wanting to mar their precious ego and of course their greedy pocket books.  God forbid they actually act HUMAN!

Come on Obama, stomp 'em!  We need a leader who cares.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Bailout over night

Interesting how things in Washington often happen in the middle of the night when everyone else is sleeping, like a thief in the night plotting how to steal from hard working Americans.

Of course the government I am sure had to do something to try to keep us from totally falling into a depression (which I am not sure we are already in anyway), but why is that Americans like myself have to keep bailing out Washington's blunders with our hard earned tax payers dollars, yet then we hear that the CEO's (although not getting all of their pension packages) still get to walk away scot free and with some sort of pension?  Furthermore, people who chose to live above their means and entered into contracts by taking out loans, knowing that the interest would rise on their loans, now are expecting citizens like me who lived within my means and never took anything from the government to pay so they can stay in their homes!!  This is ridiculous!!

I understand that we had to do something, but again the poor middle class has to pay!!!  Why not penalize these rich thieves that put us in the position now sitting out on their yachts?

American political leaders are still practicing slavery and the slaves are the hardworking middle class people of America.  

I am ashamed on this country and what we have become.  I am glad my father is not alive after he served for 14 years with pride for America.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Presidential Debate

After watching the first debate last night between Obama and McCain, I am even more convinced than ever as to how much I dislike McCain!  I thought Bush was bad and now I am in total fear that we may wind up with something even worse.  Is that possible!!

I sure hope that people wake up and realize that we need someone with a calm demeanor who actually has good judgement, can think things through before reacting and maybe, just maybe cares about the American people.

God help America if the Republicans win!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Collapse of our government

I am fearful for America.  For months, actually for several years I have been expecting the government to collapse and now with the banking and mortgage crisis, I am truly afraid as to what is going to come next.

I am also saddened still at the prejudice in the country.  Despite all of the dire things that are happening, and the feelings of dissatisfaction with President Bush, I am astonished that anyone in their right mind would even consider voting for McCain and Palin!!!  My God, what are people thinking.  Or should I say "NOT THINKING!"   There is no sound reason for this and I must deduce that it is only the Obama is a black man.  Unbelievable.  

Wake up America before we will be saluting the flag of China!