Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Frances for Obama

My Aunt is dying of the last stages pancreatic cancer and is a true inspiration.  Never have I seen anyone within my circle of family or friends that is so courageous and has faced such horrendous health issues and surgeries over the past 7 years.  She does not complain at length about her situation, nor does she try to gain sympathy from others, but actually abhors that sort of behavior.  Rather she continues to be that marvelous inspiration and takes every opportunity to see the beauty of life, she appreciates nature to the fullest and takes delight in a nice breeze or listening to the birds singing.  

Recently I flew home to see her which was quite painful as I expected to not see her again.  It was hard to leave knowing that I would not sit and gab with her ever again, or laugh with her, which she is the only person in my life that could catch undercurrent little remarks that others would miss as if we knew something no one else did, and laugh until we would almost pee in our pants.

Frances told me the only thing that she was upset about is that she loves her life so much, that she just doesn't feel ready to go yet.  She told me there were so many things she still wanted to do, such as her art.  Then she said she hoped she made it at least to be able to vote in the next election.  She so wanted to be able to cast her vote for Obama.  Today as I checked my Brother-in-laws blog, which he post pictures of my Aunt and updates on her health, he mentioned that she is registered to vote and even has an Obama bumper sticker on her wheelchair.  I pray she has that opportunity and with the grace of God, I hope she gets to see history made this year.

With this in mind I often wonder how so many people can look at themselves in the mirror and go about their day to day lives without getting involved in saving our nation and our world.  It is beyond me.  All I can say is I am glad that I have people in my family like Frances.  If only there were more people like her in the world.  

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