Saturday, August 25, 2007

Planet Earth and Politics

Today it was sweltering outside and I heard earlier that in Greece, fires have killed over 35 people due to the extreme heat with temps in excess of 100 degrees. Floods are happening in one place after another and the most recent hurricane, "Dean" is one of the largest on record.
All of this makes me think of a scripture that was drilled into me as a child from the book of Matthew in the Bible in regards to the last days, where disasters will happen in one place after another, and as the Bible says, then the end will come.

I have tried not to think of that scripture over the years, and quite honestly I tend to lean towards Buddhism, but I believe it doesn't matter as there are prophets and holy men (and women) throughout the world throughout history; but basically I try to live for today and enjoy what time I have on this planet as we are all here in only a blink of time anyway. But, my point is, I truly believe we are closer to the end of humankind as we know it, and it is no fault but humans.

I shutter at the damage that the present Administration has done to destroy not only our country as well as so many others, but has total disregard for the lives of all of civilization, and of course he cares less about all of the species that are becoming extinct.

But despite the way I feel about Mr. Bush and his administration, I blame the many stupid people who voted him into office, not just once but twice!!! I am proud to say, I did not!!
It will be interesting to see who the Americans put in next, and I also know that ultimately, it could mean the survival of our country or it's total downfall, as well as what will happen to the planet.

For God sake people, it is time to wake up, be responsible, don't run in fear to who you think will protect you and your possessions. Try opening your mind and think outside of the box and look to the greater good. Our forefathers fought and died for rights that in one generation, is willing to throw our constitution out the window. We as a nation are becoming horrible, no wonder people hate us around the world, when we care more about our designer clothing, expensive cars for each member of the family, and more concerned about Paris Hilton or Brittainy Spears than humans dying from starvation, or wars, or polar bears nearing extinction.

Wake up wake up!!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

On Dogs

I have always had a dog all of my life and quite honestly, I don't feel normal without one.

Last year I lost my little dog Tessy of almost 12 years to cancer. She was a great little dog and although I knew the day would come, it came much quicker than I expected and even more unexpected was what it did to me. I knew that I would be hurt over the loss as I have lost animals before, but this one really did me in. I chose to put her down due to the cancer was in in her liver and she was suffering and that I could not take knowing that I could do the "humane" thing. We humans don't have that choice and after watching my grandfather die of cancer and beg all who sat with him to please shoot him, I wonder if it wouldn't be better if we too had that choice.

But as for losing Tessy, I did what I felt was right for her, but my pain was so intense that I fell into deep depression for months. Even after I could stop crying, I felt empty inside and I knew that most people just did not understand. Often people feel you should just "snap out of it", it's only a dog they say. But the reality is for me and many others like me, she was like a child and definitely an integral part of my family and me!

People should understand that and try to use a little compassion. They often don't.

I now have another little dog, that is the same breed as Tessy. She is not like my other little dog but very different in personality and I doubt I will ever love another animal or really anyone as much as Tessy, but I love this little dog now as well and she certainly helped to help my pain. Oh of course I still miss my little one that I lost and always will, but it is amazing what a little love can do.

I have thought much about what it is that dogs give that so often cause humans to bond so strongly. Then I realized that the word Dog in reverse is God, and how accurate that is as so many of the attributes that dogs have are the very ones I think God should have. They love you unconditionally, no matter what you have done, what you love like, how you treat them, they remain loyal and only want love in return. They try to protect you and your home, they help to watch over you if you are sick, and they react to when you are happy or sad.
Isn't it ashamed that more humans don't try harder to learn from their canine friends. They are not prejudice against anyone because of race, religion, or age. They are smarter than humans give them credit for and we could learn a great deal from these wonderful creatures.

I thank God for my little friend everyday as she has made my life fuller with more joy.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Prejudice in America

My husband is an Italian American and he is the president of a cultural & language club called "Amici Della Lingua Italiana". Yesterday this club was made an Institute with "Burlington County College" at a convocation by the Italian & Italian American Heritage Commission.

At this event there was a great deal of talk as to the prejudice that the Italian Americans have felt over the years and how in the twenties and thirties when many of the immigrants came to this county, they were afraid to speak their language for fear of discrimination. And apparently today the youth are losing their culture and language. Also they are appalled at TV shows and movies that depict Italians as only mobsters, such as the Sopranos.

If this group of people and many other ethnic people feel this way, can you imagine how the African-American culture must feel and have felt for centuries as darker skinned peoples have been enslaved in one place or another since the early civilizations. I can't even imagine how I would feel!

My father came from Greece in the late 1920's and eventually settled in the south-eastern part of the US and I remember as a little girl people discriminating against him and his business. He had to prove himself to be an up-standing member of the community much more so than that of the average white man. I always thought how unfair and yet again, my father's skin although olive toned, was considered Caucasian and again could not possibly know really what it must feel like to be discriminated against like that of an African-American.

Now we are seeing discrimination against people of Arabic backgrounds and their religions, as well as many Hispanic cultures.

We are suppose to be more civilized and yet I wonder if that is true. Isn't it time that people realize that we are all here and we must all live on this planet together? One race is no better than another, and everyone should have the right to worship in the way they choose, or not worship at all? I love animals, but a black dog is no better than a white one, why should a white person be better than a black?

It's time for hate to stop and unity as humans to take it's place. It's time that people embrace other cultures and learn from them. Earth is beautiful as ALL of it's inhabitants!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Seeing More Clearly

I am now in my middle age or slightly older and yet sometimes I feel as though I have lived for eons and then other times I feel as though I were twenty only yesterday. But one thing I find for sure is, although my body is older and I don't have the physical stamina that I once had, I like myself better than ever before and I see the world much more clearly than ever before as well.

I don't have a great deal in as far as monetary wealth, yet I know deep inside of me that I am richer than most in other ways and grateful just to be here, for my life is a gift. A gift from whom, I do not know, yet I feel for certain that there is a greater intelligence out there whether it be known as God, or life force or many other names humans call this marvelous energy that help life to sprout and flourish out of a ball of gas no less.

Where this incredible planet of ours is headed, God only knows for sure, but it doesn't look good and it is horrifying at the rapid pace that humans seem to be destroying our very home! I know no other creature on earth that kills it own kind as humans and pollutes and destroys as we do. It is amazing that as we progress (or so they call it) with technology, education, and live the finer life, we are rapidly self-destructing and the vast majority doesn't take responsibility of their actions, nor truly tries to rectify what is happening to humankind.

I am glad that I was born when I was and not later. I fear for the children who come after me and glad I chose not to bring anyone into this world at this stage of human existence.

None the less, as terrible as we are, we humans have a spirit of hope that seems to surface when things are at their worst and often it is like the hand of God reaching down to pull us out of an abbyss when it seems like there is no hope. I believe that is often when we refer to such events as miracles.

Dispite it all, every day is filled with little miracles. And these too, I see more clearly than I did when I was young.

Yesterday it snowed and as I went out to walk my dog before bed lastnight, there was a calmness in the air and I could hear the still. How beautiful the sound of peace and quiet. In that instant I filled with tears of joy to have this and also felt such sadness for all the people living in war-torn parts of the world who never know peace. Then I noticed how the snow glistened from my porch light. It looked like a fantasy land where natures ice crystals sparkled like trillions of little diamonds as if to say, "Look at me before I melt, I am here to purify your space".

Now of course you must thing me a nut, but not so, only one who wishes the world to see the beauty in everything that we have. If only people would love instead of hate and know that in an instant all that we know could be gone forever.