Monday, March 12, 2007

On Dogs

I have always had a dog all of my life and quite honestly, I don't feel normal without one.

Last year I lost my little dog Tessy of almost 12 years to cancer. She was a great little dog and although I knew the day would come, it came much quicker than I expected and even more unexpected was what it did to me. I knew that I would be hurt over the loss as I have lost animals before, but this one really did me in. I chose to put her down due to the cancer was in in her liver and she was suffering and that I could not take knowing that I could do the "humane" thing. We humans don't have that choice and after watching my grandfather die of cancer and beg all who sat with him to please shoot him, I wonder if it wouldn't be better if we too had that choice.

But as for losing Tessy, I did what I felt was right for her, but my pain was so intense that I fell into deep depression for months. Even after I could stop crying, I felt empty inside and I knew that most people just did not understand. Often people feel you should just "snap out of it", it's only a dog they say. But the reality is for me and many others like me, she was like a child and definitely an integral part of my family and me!

People should understand that and try to use a little compassion. They often don't.

I now have another little dog, that is the same breed as Tessy. She is not like my other little dog but very different in personality and I doubt I will ever love another animal or really anyone as much as Tessy, but I love this little dog now as well and she certainly helped to help my pain. Oh of course I still miss my little one that I lost and always will, but it is amazing what a little love can do.

I have thought much about what it is that dogs give that so often cause humans to bond so strongly. Then I realized that the word Dog in reverse is God, and how accurate that is as so many of the attributes that dogs have are the very ones I think God should have. They love you unconditionally, no matter what you have done, what you love like, how you treat them, they remain loyal and only want love in return. They try to protect you and your home, they help to watch over you if you are sick, and they react to when you are happy or sad.
Isn't it ashamed that more humans don't try harder to learn from their canine friends. They are not prejudice against anyone because of race, religion, or age. They are smarter than humans give them credit for and we could learn a great deal from these wonderful creatures.

I thank God for my little friend everyday as she has made my life fuller with more joy.

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